NOVEMBER 10 | 29 2015




by and starring Aleksandros Memetaj

directed by Giampiero Rappa

assistant director Alberto Basaluzzo     






February 25, 1991, Albania. After controlling and limiting the freedom of Albanian citizens for forty years, the communist regime has now collapsed. Popular discontent leads to bloody riots, protests, sabotaging, the spreading of crime. The most violence can be witnessed in the North of the country, in Kosovo, but it spreads like a cancer to the whole of the nation, reaching huge cities like  Tirana, Durazzo and Valona. With such a situation, president Ramiz Alia opens the borders and allows people to expatriate. Thousands of Albanians try any way they can to reach Western countries leaving from Valona or Durazzo with ships, fishing boats and rafts sailing towards Italy. Among them is Alexander Toto, a man in his thirties fleeing from Valona to Brindisi aboard the "Mirdita" (“Good morning”) fishing boat. On the Mirdita is also Aleksandros Memetaj, then six months old. “Albania casa mia” is the story of a child growing up far away from his own motherland, in the Veneto region, a place that over the years will always seem foreign to him.

Aleksandros Memetaj an actor and a playwright, he was born in Valona (Albania) on June 19, 1991. He was taken to Italy, in the Venezia province, when he was only six months old. After his diploma, he initially enrolled in the Philosophy course at the Università degli studi di Padova. Between  2011 and 2014 he attended the acting academy "Fondamenta". Once out of the academy, he made three encounters that projected him into the world of drama: with agent Flavia Benedetto, taking him in in her entourage (Film Studio Effe). Secondly, entering the Nogu Teatro company in Roma. Finally, starting a collaboration with Giampiero Rappa, whom he first met during his last year at the academy: he's the main contributor to the "Albania casa mia" project, where he serves as director.

Circolo culturale Argostudio | Via Natale del Grande 27 00153 Roma (Trastevere) | tel/fax 06 5898111 | | p.iva : 08154421005 c.f. 06932070581

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